About image
Some of my earliest memories are of sitting on the floor of my mother's workshop cutting squares of fabric into tiny little pieces as she sewed. As soon as I had the dexterity, and my legs could reach the pedal on the floor, she began teaching me how to sew. This was around five years old, and for my sixth birthday I received my first sewing machine. Even at this young age I knew this gift was significant. Here I am 25 years later with my own sewing business!

I was homeschooled for elementary school and sewing was a big part of my daily learning. Several of my friends and I started a 4H sewing club aptly named "Girls in Stitches". Once a week we would get together and, under the guidance of our mothers, we would work on all sorts of sewing projects, and we would laugh! I made my first quilt at eight years old, and at nine years old I was modeling my oh so stylish clothes at 4H fashion shows. As I grew, so did my love for sewing.

In high school I started to explore other artistic expressions such as ceramics, painting, and jewelry making, but my love for fabric never dwindled. With my love for creating fully stoked, I enrolled at Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston in 2008. Here I studied Fiber Arts and graduated with a BFA. During my summers in college I worked at Hood Sailmakers where I applied my sewing skills professionally for the first time. Working as a sailmaker added new skills and new materials to my growing repertoire.

Upon graduation from MassArt in 2012 I landed a job at S&S Fabric Products doing cushions and canvas. I worked there for six years and during this time my skill set grew ten fold. Even though I sewed all day for work, I loved it so much that I would sew for pleasure when I got home, making quilts, clothing and various items for my home.

In 2018 I felt it was time for me to leave S&S Fabrics and I took a brief break from sewing professionally. My hiatus only lasted for a few months and I was back at it, this time sewing as an independent contractor for Fabric Connection. It was during this time I discovered I was pregnant with my first child! I kept sewing up until one week before my son was born in December 2019. I naturally took a break from sewing during my son's first few months of life, but when it was time for me to start up again I decided it was also time for me to start my own sewing business. It is my greatest wish to be able to be home with my son while simultaneously continuing my sewing career. It was from this desire that Custom by Christina was created!